Royer Studios developed Animate My Action Plan Phase 2 Plus (AMAP P2+) to merge media arts with general education standards.
This latest evolution of the AMAP program services all Youth ChalleNGe cadets at participating sites, providing them with 21st Century technology training and essential media arts skills including photography, video production, graphic design, and audio engineering.
Since implementation at Michigan Youth ChalleNGe Academy, GED passing rates doubled, and the number of High School Diplomas awarded nearly doubled. P2+ is now being implemented with cadets at the Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy in Salemburg, North Carolina.
Preparation for Learning Enhancement & Reinforcement
Cadets participate in one extracurricular class per week to learn a skill such as using design software to create graphs and charts, scripting and engineering podcasts, or photographing products for promotional use. Each cadet has his or her own iPad Pro to complete assignments and works with a partner or a team to provide peer-to-peer learning.
A Royer Studios facilitator prepares weekly lessons by coordinating with the general education teachers to design activities focused on what the cadets are studying.
Then, a unique project is developed to be implemented in the traditional classroom, connecting the general education studies with the new skills cadets developed. Cadets make and express personal connections to the subjects they’re studying and become actively engaged in the learning process.
AMAP P2+ helps cadets acquire 21st Century workforce skills, including:
Critical thinking
Problem solving
Technology literacy
Media literacy
Creativity and imagination
Leadership and initiative
Collaboration and teamwork
Oral and written communication skills
Contributing to the Youth ChalleNGe Academy
The media produced by cadets can be used by the academy for promotion and outreach. Parents especially enjoy seeing their cadet’s work on Facebook and often share the academy’s posts, thereby sharing the academy’s page with their network.
“Using AMAP in the classroom has definitely improved the engagement of the cadets.”
“I’m not used to having iPads and cameras and all that equipment in the classroom, but it’s helped because it’s made learning a fun experience.”